Welcome to Pineapple Class

The class teacher in Pineapple class Miss Cressey.  The teaching assistant is Miss Pyke.


In English lessons this year we will be focusing on writing simple and compound sentences. Our big focus is on punctuating our sentences correctly. We will also be practising our letter formation and hand-writing.

In Grammar, we will be following the National Curriculum and Jolly Grammar to learn about alphabetical order, word classes and alternate sounds.

In phonics, we will be recapping the sounds learnt in Reception as well as introducing the children to new sounds and the alternative graphemes.

In addition, we will be learning to read and write the Year 1 tricky words as well as learning some spelling patterns such as adding the suffixes ‘ing’, ‘ed’, ‘er’ and ‘est’ to words.


In Maths this year we will be following the National Curriculum and using White Rose Maths to deliver our lessons. We will be focusing on counting to 100, adding and subtracting, and beginning to tell the time.

We will spend lots of time practising our rolling numbers which is counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10. The overview for the year can be found here.


Our overarching topic this term is called ‘Childhood’. In this topic, children will learn about the stages of human life, important life events and childhood during the 1950s.

Our companion topics this term are:

‘Our wonderful world’- Children will learn about the difference between physical and human features of geography and begin to understand maps.

‘Human senses’- Children learn about human body parts, the five senses, how our senses keep us safe and how losing our senses could impact our lives.

‘Everyday materials’- Children learn about natural and man-made materials, properties of materials and compare objects based on the materials they are made from.

Art: ‘funny faces’ and ‘mix it’- in these lessons children will learn about colour mixing and will create a funny face portrait.

The knowledge organisers linked to some of these topics are below –

Childhood Knowledge Organiser

Everyday Materials Knowledge Organiser

Human Senses Knowledge Organiser

Our Wonderful World Knowledge Organiser

Learning at home

  • Each term children will be sent home with a list of topic related activities for homework. Children should complete at least one activity from the list to return at the end of the term (a date will be provided).
  • Children are expected to read at home regularly to help develop their phonics knowledge and fluency. Every time a child reads, this should be written in their yellow reading record as each read adds up towards Red Ted rewards.
  • A list of tricky words will be sent home, which children should be able to read and spell by the end of the year.
  • Each week some additional spelling words will be sent home to be practised.
  • Children will be able to access a literacy learning programme called Lexia at home. Log ins and further information will be sent out soon.

Useful learning resources

Phonics play: lots of games to support reading


Lexia: individual log ins and further information will be sent home. This must be completed independently to ensure children are accessing the correct level of work


Thank you for your support.