We are very proud of our achievements in PE and sport. We are pleased to announce that we achieved the Silver Sainsbury’s School Games Mark awards for our commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport over the year. This improves upon the bronze award that we were awarded last year.
Silver Medal
The Government has provided additional funding to improve the provision of Physical Education (PE) and Sport in primary schools. Every primary school receives a block amount plus an additional sum based on the number of pupils on roll. The money must be spent on improving PE and sport provision and schools are free to determine how best to use the funding, but must work towards:
- improving the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision (both in the curriculum and extra curriculum);
- increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils have an opportunity to take part;
- developing healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
The PE and Sport Premium provides an excellent opportunity for the school to further improve its PE provision and to do so in the wider context of the Forest Heath Schools Partnership, fully utilising the skills and experience across the group of schools.
Great Heath was inspected in April 2018 and they made the following comment:
“The primary physical education (PE) and sport premium is used effectively. Specialist sports coaches visit the school and model good practice to teachers. The funding is also used to provide coaching opportunities for school sports clubs in preparation for the many competitive sporting competitions that the school takes part in, such as football, cricket and athletics. The school has extensive playing fields that enable it to provide sports days for Great Heath pupils, and host sporting tournaments that include neighbouring schools.”
To see how we are using this funding please click the logo below: