Welcome to Year Two


Our topic is Movers and Shakers. You can see our Knowledge Organiser here: Movers And Shakers



At Great Heath Academy we follow the White Rose Maths Programme.  This programme develops children’s understanding of mathematical concepts using concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches.

Click here for some interactive maths games.

 If your child is keen on doing more maths at home, they can log into Education City.


We have adopted a text led curriculum and focus our learning through a wide variety of texts.

In SPaG we will be learning about spelling patterns, punctuation and grammar.  This includes learning about different sentence types –  statements, commands and questions – and how to punctuate them.

Have a go at adding -ed to verbs in this game!



In Reading we will be using some helpful dogs to answer comprehension questions. These dogs are Rex Retriever who retrieves information, Prediction Pip who predicts what might happen next and Sequencing Suki who puts information in the correct order.

Ask your child about ‘metacognition’ and ‘schema’!

Please try and listen to your child read daily or as much as possible. This is such an important part of their learning and they need to be confident to read different texts. By the end of Year 2, children should be able to read and write the 300 high frequency words. When you listen to your child read please write it in their Reading Record so we can keep a check on how well they are doing and they can earn their Red Ted points for prizes.

Congratulations to all the children in Year 2 who have already recieved prizes for their home reading! The mini Red Ted’s are adorable!


Click here for a list of the 100 and 200 high frequency words that your child should be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2.

There is an amazing free website that you can register with to read a great selection of e-books. These books link with our reading levels and have activities to do after the children have read the book. The website comes with audio, so if your child finds reading challenging try listening to the story first to build confidence.

Give it a go! After all it’s free!!
