Welcome to Typhoon, Year 6.

Our teacher is Miss Saunders and our Teaching Assistants in Year 6 are Mrs Rice and Mrs Jones.

Our topic is Maafa. You can see what we are learning by looking at our Knowledge Organiser:Maafa


Our school reading challenge called “Read to Succeed” (KS2) encourages your child to read more at home. Our school challenge is for the children to aim to get 200 parental signatures in their reading log book to achieve the ultimate prize. Each designated level of book signs (10, 25, 75, 100 etc) will earn them a special prize such as a pencil, badge, certificates and even a party. We hope you will support you child or children to help them “read to succeed”.

We are still having DEAR (DROP EVERYTHING AND READ) time – which I thoroughly enjoy!!!


We are in the process of organising these clubs from 3.15-4.15pm which provide further support for your child’s learning and show them how to answer questions in the best way in a fun and “sugary” approach. I will put more information on this web page as details have been finalised – WATCH THIS SPACE!!